
Successful First Day at Small Business Development Centre

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The Nassau Guardian
September 25, 2018

The Small Business Development Centre (SBDC) had full classes yesterday, its first day in operation since officially opening last week. The center’s Executive Director Davinia Blair told Guardian Business that the center identified two clients with existing businesses who have presented the necessary documents to get them to the funding stage.

Blair called yesterday’s first full day a “high energy day”. The SBDC hosted three sets of classes with 15 students each and began to connect business people with advisors.

Some of those business people will need to be taken through the whole gamut related to developing their business ideas, in order to get them to the stage where they would be considered for funding, according to Blair.

She said many of the students left the SBDC feeling like the classes had expanded their understanding of entrepreneurship and business. She added that the students came from many different backgrounds in terms of their professions.

She explained that the first day of the SBDC’s operation revealed that The Bahamas has entrepreneurs with vibrant and diverse ideas. She added that five or six of those who attended yesterday asked to push forward more than one idea for consideration.

More than 950 people have signed up to be part of the SBDC and take advantage of its benefits. Appointments for entrepreneurs to meet with advisors have been booked up to 2019 and continue to grow.

Blair said recently that as potential entrepreneurs begin to see successful businesses grow out of the SBDC, more are likely to sign up.


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Equipping and Empowering Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (“MSME`s”) in The Bahamas
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