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    AS OF APRIL 2024

Welcome to SBDC

Your Business Goals Achieved

Our mission is to ignite a wave of economic empowerment across The Bahamas, by providing a comprehensive suite of resources tailored for small and medium enterprises. From grants that fuel innovation to personalised mentorship that nurtures growth, we are here to propel your business to new heights. Together, we’ll build a stronger, brighter future for entrepreneurs, communities, and our nation.

Our Programmes

The Guaranteed Loan Programme

Our flagship programme offers startup and existing businesses, on all islands of The Bahamas, accessto grant, loan and equity funding.

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The Women Entrepreneurs Initiative

The Women Entrepreneurs Initiative was designed to help women throughout The Bahamas overcome the challenges of accessing capital, feeling respected as business owners and building an effective support system.

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The Creative Entrepreneurs Initiative

The Bahamas is rich in diverse talent and natural resources that should be leveraged to create more profitable and sustainable micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) within the Creative Industry.

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Young Entrepreneurs Initiative

In collaboration with partners such as the Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Culture, Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI), University of The Bahamas (UB), as well as the John Templeton Foundation, the Small Business Development Centre (SBDC) launched the Young Entrepreneurs Initiative on December 13, 2023.

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Food Security Initiative

Designed by the Small Business Development Centre in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources to help farmers and fishers in The Bahamas address the challenges of accessing capital, learning and implementing emerging and sustainable trends and engaging in commerce activities across The Bahamas and internationally.

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E-Mobility Initiative

Studies predict more than 60% of vehicles sold around the globe will be electric by 2030. The purpose of this survey is to determine how many entrepreneurs are now considering an electric vehicle for their next company vehicle purchase.

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The Fitness & Wellness Initiative

The Bahamas is also regarded the fattest country in the Caribbean and the sixth fattest country in the world.

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The Renewable Energy Initiative

Do you know what the average business in your industry spends on electricity costs? Not knowing could mean your business is at a competitive disadvantage because of higher energy costs and lower profit margins.

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Business Plan Development Initiative

This initiative is an opportunity for licensed business consultants to collaborate with micro, small and medium-sized business owners during their business plan development process.

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Our Services

Increasing the ability of our sector

Our Founding Partners

Ministry of Finance Logo
Bahamas chamber of commerce logo
UB blue shield logo

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Equipping and Empowering Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (“MSME`s”) in The Bahamas
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